Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Tip for the day

In devotion today, a lady shared with us that she had been saved for eight years and decided that she was ready for her husband. She prayed to God:

"Lord let him aggressively pursue me, so that I know that he is the one."

The Lord answered her prayer and she was married after a 3 month courtship. I am not saying that God will answer your prayer the same way, but if you are honestly ready, be specific in your requests to the Lord. He will answer in his way, but don't let it be said that "you receive not because you ask not."

In joy,


Friday, March 16, 2007

Thoughts for the weekend

It's Friday!!!! That is always a wonderful thing to say, especially after a heavy work week. With all of the stresses and strains of the week, or even the joys of the week, sometimes we wait with baited breath for the weekend. Two days to do as we please. Sigh!!!!! But for some of us, the joy of the weekend is quickly misplaced with I have these two days, but I have nothing planned. I go to church on Sunday, but what to do until then and after? Here are some suggestions, in two categories. Category one is things to do for fun, because I prefer fun to obligation and category 2 is things to do for you and the obligatory stuff that we should do but usually put off. Believe me, if I can think of something fun to do, I am definitely not going to clean the house. In Seattle today, the weather is beautiful and the sun is shining. If the weather holds out through the weekend, don't stay in the house...

For Fun:
  1. Go to the park, even if it rains and take a walk. Praise God for the beauty only He could create. Better yet go to the driving range and see how far you can hit a golf ball.
  2. Go to an art store or craft store-even if you don't have a creative bone in your body-so you think, and buy some paper and paint. Paint something or go back to finger paints. Do something creative.
  3. Go through your recipes or go online and find a recipe for something that is your favorite and make it. Invite others over to bring something and share together. Take out the good silverware, the good plates, the candles- take out the stuff you've been saving for the day that man comes along and use it. You broke up with him, now it's time to find some new things that are special for you.
  4. Go to a movie and sit in the front row. Throw some popcorn at the screen (don't get kicked out though!) Just change your perspective-and yes, you can go to a movie alone- you shouldn't talk through a movie anyway.
  5. Pick up a newspaper and look at the weekend activities going on in your community. Pick out something, a poetry reading, art exhibit, jazz show, community festival and go!
  6. Go to a flower store or nursery and buy flowers, plant them in boxes or in your yard- if you don't want to plant them, buy fresh cut and put them in bunches throughout your house-even bunches that don't match. Celebrate beauty!
  7. Pamper yourself by trying a new nail polish color, hair color, makeup color-something you wouldn't normally do. Go to the makeup counter at Nordstrom and have a salesperson try out some spring colors on you.
  8. Go to a hotel and have lunch or if you are really feeling it and can- check in for Saturday night. You will feel like you have gone someplace different and you did not have to take a plane.
  9. Drive to the ocean or to the rain forest.
  10. Go visit someone you haven't talked to or seen for a while.

Because you should:

  1. Clean out or organize some areas in your closet. Dress for Success or one of the women's shelters could benefit from this and it gives you a chance to think about what new items you will want for spring.
  2. Organize your address book. Put in all of the new addresses or address corrections from all of the Christmas cards you last received. Put them on disk to save them.
  3. Rearrange the pictures on your walls. Look and see if you have any undeveloped film that you haven't thought about for a while and get the pictures developed. Put something new up to change the view you see everyday.
  4. Change your bed and pillowcases. If you are really feeling fortunate go purchase new linen and a linen spray. Really put something beautiful on your bed and make it into a sleeping sanctuary.
  5. Look at your system for paying the bills. If you have paperwork piled up, organize it and put it away or figure out how you can add more to your savings or to a vacation account.

If you don't like any of these suggestions, I have one more. Have a praise party. Pull out your favorite music and dance. Turn off all the lights and just dance. Nobody is watching. Crank it up and just let the music wash over you. Releasing the energy and raising your heart rate will make you feel lighter and drown out the sounds of the world for a while. Turn off the phone and just be. It's healthy and if you start thinking too much, turn the music up louder.

Joy to you!


Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sistergirl Blog One

Grateful to not be the only one that is perplexed and a bit bothered by the mystery of being single, we decided to come together to talk about it. This blog is for us. The strong, beautiful, talented, intelligent and exceptional women that believe and trust that God is going to send us the one. This is about what we should do in the meantime and how to deal with the everyday thoughts that bring us to the point of questioning God's time.

Me, well let's just say that yes I am tired of waiting. Just like you I have been single for a long time and I find myself questioning myself. I find myself longing for what it seems like others have and wanting what at times seems like I will never have. I have the dreams of perfection, the thoughts that someday someone will come along that will make all of this waiting worthwhile. I have dragged myself down with the disappointment, but one day it dawned on me that I am not the only one. I looked around at church and realized, unhappily, that I was a part of the majority, not the minority. Most of the beautiful sisters in the room were on their own, struggling as mothers, singles, divorced or widowed women, with the same question, "Where is this man of my dreams?" (He might be there, but not as dreamy as we would like-but that's a whole different topic for another day!)

The simple truth is, if we believe in the God we say we believe in, who created us not to be alone but to first be his, the truth is that we already have a man. He's divine. We have a calling upon our lives to do God's work, until the time the earthly man of our dreams comes along. This is not what we want to hear. This is not what I want to hear. The hardest part to accept is that maybe God has answered my prayers to tell me that there isn't going to be someone to come into my life. The thought then becomes, what do I do to live the best life I can in the meantime? How do I find fulfillment and joy without pining for what the world says must complete me? If it is truly my desire to be a part of a couple-how do I wait?

That is what this blog is going to help us to explore. The goal is to support each other and to boost each other up and to remind each other to pray continously until something happens, but believing foremost that he knows the desires of our hearts and that he will never leave us or foresake us, even in the darkest hours when we feel alone. So please, post your thoughts, your ideas, whatever is on your mind. Post about your biggest struggles and post what you are doing to make it through. Trust that you are not alone.

My God bless you to put him first in all things and to let him handle the rest.